December 2021 – what’s new in X-Payments Cloud

December 2021 – what’s new in X-Payments Cloud

While everyone is preparing for the upcoming holidays we keep working and releasing new features. Here is a short overview of the latest releases:

New payment gateways

  • PayPal REST API
  • Global Payments

X-Payments Cloud API

Developers can integrate their sites and apps with X-Payments Cloud using its API. See more at

Free trial functionality

X-Cart 5 users can implement a free trial for subscription plans and products.

FPA for Braintree

Our Braintree integration supports built-in Fraud Management Tools that replaced Kount in Braintree.

Optional Fraud Screening

We partnered with NoFraud to provide an optional fraud screening service to our merchants who faced online fraud threats. This optional add-on can be turned on and turned off when needed/no longer needed. Contact us if you would like to learn more.

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    Awesome! You wonโ€™t be disappointed ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Alex Mulin
    Alex Mulin
    Head of X-Payments

    Head of X-Payments product, ice hockey player, history geek. Let's connect on Linkedin.