#x-cart 4

X-Payments v3.1.6 Released
Before you go away on holiday, you get to enjoy the best of news from us, the mighty X-Payments team. X-Payments 3.1.6 is out! We have been working hard on this release to make it full of awesome new features. We have also improved the user experience for you as well as security – just […]

X-Payments v.3.1.5 Released
X-Payments 3.1.5 comes with a bunch of improvements to the payment gateway integrations and overall security strengthening. Let us start with the payment gateway integrations and then move on to the other fixes and improvements. In general, our updates for the payment gateways integrations reflect the changes in their own workflow but we also see […]

X-Cart 4.7.8 Connector and Subscriptions updates
Recently we’ve added multiple updates to X-Payments Connector for X-Cart Classic. Most likely you’ve read about a couple of most significant of them in 4.7.8 release announcement. This article is to tell you about all the new changes. The new connector comes with the following issues fixed: PHP error when iframe is disabled;Charge instead of authorization when […]