
X-Payments Connector for Zoey v1.8.16 Released
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the latest X-Payments Connector for Zoey v1.8.16! It comes along with the new features that are designed to improve your admin experience and a few changes for smoother buyer experience. We’ve put a lot of effort in this release so it came out great! To quote the classics, “New is always […]

X-Payments v3.1.6 Released
Before you go away on holiday, you get to enjoy the best of news from us, the mighty X-Payments team. X-Payments 3.1.6 is out! We have been working hard on this release to make it full of awesome new features. We have also improved the user experience for you as well as security – just […]

X-Payments v.3.1.5 Released
X-Payments 3.1.5 comes with a bunch of improvements to the payment gateway integrations and overall security strengthening. Let us start with the payment gateway integrations and then move on to the other fixes and improvements. In general, our updates for the payment gateways integrations reflect the changes in their own workflow but we also see […]

X-Payments Connector for Zoey v1.8.12 Released
We’re glad to announce the release of the renewed X-Payments connector for your Zoey-based eCommerce store. This one we prepared with special attention as there are quite a lot of new features now available. First and foremost, we concentrated our attention on stable support for various currencies and languages. You can’t truly go global unless […]