X-Payments:Signifyd fraud protection and chargeback prevention
X-Payments 3.1.0 and later provides an integration with Signinfyd, a popular fraud protection solution for E-Commerce.
When a buyer places an order in a store connected to X-Payments making a payment via a payment method protected by Signifyd, the order information gets sent to Signifyd. Signifyd creates a case for the order within the Signifyd Console evaluating the respective payment transaction via its own proprietary algorithms. As a result of this evaluation, the transaction is assigned a certain score reflecting its level of safety/riskiness for the merchant. The merchant can set a specific score level that will enable them to know that a transaction is safe and may be processed automatically. If a transaction is deemed risky (potentially fraudulent), it will be marked as requiring manual review by the merchant. The merchant can then investigate the order information in the Signifyd Console and make an informed decision as to whether they should accept or decline the respective payment transaction.
More information on Signifyd is available on the Signifyd website:
Setting up your Signifyd integration
To start using Signinfyd to score the payment transactions that take place in your store connected to X-Payments, complete the following steps:
- Contact Signifyd Sales team to apply for a Signifyd account.
- Make sure you are using X-Payments 3.1.0 or later.
- Make sure you have an online store configured in X-Payments (Settings > Online store).
- Set up an X-Payments payment configuration that you intend to use with Signifyd:
In the Settings > Payment configurations section of X-Payments, add the payment configuration and adjust all the necessary settings for it. In the Antifraud service field, select "Signifyd - Guaranteed Fraud Protection": - Once the payment configuration details have been saved, a link Configure Signifyd in X-Payments:
As an alternative, you can access your Signifyd configuration settings via this link: