
From X-Payments Help
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X-Payments user manual
  1. X-Payments:General information
  2. What's New
  3. System requirements
  4. Installation
  5. Two-factor user authentication
  6. Configuring X-Payments
  7. Managing users
  8. Customizing the interface
  9. Managing payments
  10. Unistalling X-Payments
  11. Upgrading
  12. Moving X-Payments from one host to another
  13. Viewing X-Payments logs
  14. FAQ
  15. Troubleshooting
  16. Glossary
  17. Supported payment gateways
  18. Popular Payment Methods Configuration Instructions

Payment gateway

One of the supported payment gateways

3DS system

One of the 3D Secure systems, supported by X-Payments


User with administrative privileges


A user paying for the order

Reference ID

Entity in online store's database, associated with a payment in X-Payments. The following may become a reference:

  • order (X-Cart Gold)
  • multiple orders (X-Cart Pro)
  • invoice

Payment ID

A number identifying a certain payment through the X-Payments

Payment status

An indicator of a payment life-cycle. Payment status may have one of the following values:

  • requested
  • declined
  • authorized
  • completed
  • canceled
  • refunded
  • canceled by customer


A request sent to a payment gateway. A payment can have one or more transactions affecting its status.

A transaction can have one of the following states:

  • queued
  • declined
  • completed

Transaction ID

A number identifying a certain transaction in the payment gateway

Transaction type

The following transaction types exist:

  • auth
  • capture
  • sale
  • void
  • refund
  • info

Payment information

Information needed to make a transaction (i.e. to bill a customer's account)

To make a credit card transaction payment:

Additional information needed for Switch/Maestro/Solo:

Additional information needed to bill e-check (depending on a specific payment gateway):

  • Account holder
  • Account type
  • Bank routing number
  • Bank account number
  • Bank name