Magento v.1.x & X-Payments

Feature Tour
Magento 1 connector source code is published on Github. You are welcome to contribute, too.
Integrates with One Step Checkout by
Also integrates with Firechekout, AheadWorks OneStepCheckout, Stone Edge order manager.
PCI compliant credit card processing
Process credit card payments right on your website, control your entire checkout routine and stay PCI compliant at the same time.
PCI compliant credit card saving
Let your customers save their credit card info for future use at your store. A customer’s saved credit card info can be used both when the customer places a new order by themselves and when you create a new order or change an existing one for them via the admin panel.
Sell subscriptions
With X-Payments your store’s shoppers can buy all types of products in the same basket: simple, configurable, subscriptions, etc.
Advanced Order Management
What if a customer wants to add an item to an order they have placed? Not a problem for X-Payments: just add the item to the customer’s existing order and charge the difference.
Need to refund a payment? X-Payments can do the job for you! -
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