XP Cloud:May 07, 2020 - X-Payments Cloud update has been released
From X-Payments Help
X-Payments Cloud changelog
- Apple Pay is now available as a payment option. Currently, it is supported by the following gateways: Authorize.net, Cybersource, Payeezy (First Data), Chase Paymentech, and Braintree.
- Added 2Checkout payment gateway.
- Added TranSafe/Monetra payment gateway.
- Braintree SDK updated to conform with the latest Braintree requirements.
- Removed outdated payment gateway integrations: ECHO NVP, NetRegistry, SecurePay USA, QuantumGateway - Transparent QGWdatabase Engine is replaced with QuantumGateway - XML Requester, eWay Realtime Payments XML is replaced with eWAY Rapid - Direct Connection.
- Implemented support of Address and CSC validation in QuickBooks payments.
- Blocked cookies can now be detected in embedded admin panel mode; in such a case, a button to open the standalone version is displayed.
- Payment form is now aligned to the left edge of iframe. Also added an option to change this behavior.
- Other minor changes.