All pages
- X-Payments:3D-Secure settings
- X-Payments:API
- X-Payments:Accept potentially fraudulent transaction request
- X-Payments:Auth and Capture
- X-Payments:Callback request with service payment information
- X-Payments:Canceling payments when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Canceling payments when using X-Payments with Magento 2
- X-Payments:Canceling payments when using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:Capture, Void and Refund on orders modified using Magento's default Edit feature when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Capture, Void and Refund via the X-Payment Order State section when using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:Capture, Void and Refund via the X-Payment Order State tab when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Capture authorized transaction request
- X-Payments:Capturing payments when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Capturing payments when using X-Payments with Magento 2
- X-Payments:Capturing payments when using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:Changing your preferred user authentication method
- X-Payments:Charge again transaction request (Tokenization)
- X-Payments:Check cart callback request
- X-Payments:Codebook regeneration
- X-Payments:Communication between X-Payments iframe and the store
- X-Payments:Configure the connection to X-Payments in the Magento 2 store Administrator panel
- X-Payments:Configure the connection to X-Payments in the Zoey store Control Panel
- X-Payments:Configure the connection to your Magento 2 store in the X-Payments back end
- X-Payments:Configure the connection to your Zoey store in the X-Payments back end
- X-Payments:Configuring PayPal payment modules in X-Payments
- X-Payments:Configuring X-Payments
- X-Payments:Configuring X-Payments to skip the 2nd step of user authentication
- X-Payments:Configuring the connection to Magento in the X-Payments back end
- X-Payments:Configuring the connection to X-Payments in the Magento Admin panel - Magento Connector 1.8.0 or later
- X-Payments:Configuring the connection to X-Payments in the Magento Admin panel - Magento Connector versions prior to 1.8.0
- X-Payments:Connecting LiteCommerce
- X-Payments:Connecting X-Cart5
- X-Payments:Connecting X-Payments and Magento
- X-Payments:Connecting X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:Connecting Zen Cart & osCommerce
- X-Payments:Control of access to X-Payments connector features in Magento
- X-Payments:Customizing X-Payments templates (X-Payments 3)
- X-Payments:Customizing the interface
- X-Payments:Customizing the interface (X-Payments 2.2 and earlier)
- X-Payments:Customizing the interface (X-Payments 3)
- X-Payments:CyberSourceSOAP
- X-Payments:Decline potentially fraudulent transaction request
- X-Payments:Detailed payment and transaction information request
- X-Payments:Developer mode
- X-Payments:Editing X-Payments orders in Zoey
- X-Payments:Emulating transactions
- X-Payments:Encryption keys
- X-Payments:FAQ
- X-Payments:Finding out the order state for X-Payments orders when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Finding out the order state for X-Payments orders when using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:FirstData
- X-Payments:General information
- X-Payments:General settings
- X-Payments:Getting started
- X-Payments:Glossary
- X-Payments:How It Works
- X-Payments:Installation
- X-Payments:Installation Index
- X-Payments:Installing the X-Payments connector extension for Magento
- X-Payments:Issuing refunds when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Issuing refunds when using X-Payments with Magento 2
- X-Payments:Issuing refunds when using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:KOUNT Antifraud screening
- X-Payments:Key Features
- X-Payments:Magento-1-Connector-1.8.3
- X-Payments:Magento1-Connector-1.8.3
- X-Payments:Magento 2 checkout routine when using X-Payments
- X-Payments:Magento Connector v1.8.3
- X-Payments:Magento Connector v1.8.4
- X-Payments:Magento checkout routine when using X-Payments
- X-Payments:Managing PIN codes
- X-Payments:Managing PIN codes (X-Payments versions 2.2 and earlier)
- X-Payments:Managing payments
- X-Payments:Managing store connections
- X-Payments:Managing users
- X-Payments:Moving X-Payments from one host to another
- X-Payments:New Connector 1.8.0 for Magento released – more flexible and user-friendly
- X-Payments:NoFraud fraud prevention
- X-Payments:PA-DSS implementation guide
- X-Payments:PA-DSS implementation guide for X-Cart Payments 3
- X-Payments:PA-DSS implementation guide for X-Payments 3
- X-Payments:PA DSS implementation guide
- X-Payments:PCI DSS implementation guide
- X-Payments:PCI DSS implementation guide for X-Payments 2.2
- X-Payments:PCI FAQs
- X-Payments:PCI compliant credit card saving on behalf of a customer
- X-Payments:PCI compliant credit card saving on behalf of a customer (Zoey)
- X-Payments:PCI compliant credit card saving when using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:PCI compliant credit card saving when using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:PayPal REST API
- X-Payments:Payment configurations
- X-Payments:Payment configurations list request
- X-Payments:Payment gateways supported by X-Payments 2.2
- X-Payments:Payment gateways supported by X-Payments 3
- X-Payments:Payment gateways supported by X-Payments 3.1
- X-Payments:Payment information request
- X-Payments:Payment initialisation request
- X-Payments:Recurring Billing in Magento with X-Payments
- X-Payments:Redirecting a customer to the cardholder data entering page
- X-Payments:Refund captured transaction request
- X-Payments:Reviewing payment information for X-Payments orders when using X-Payments with Magento 2
- X-Payments:Setting up an additional/alternative method of user authentication
- X-Payments:Setting up file permissions for X-Payments
- X-Payments:Setting up user authentication with SMS/text messages
- X-Payments:Setting up user authentication with backup codes
- X-Payments:Setting up user authentication with the Google Authenticator app
- X-Payments:Signifyd fraud protection and chargeback prevention
- X-Payments:Supported payment gateways
- X-Payments:System requirements
- X-Payments:System requirements for X-Payments 2.2
- X-Payments:System requirements for X-Payments 3
- X-Payments:Test connection request
- X-Payments:Tokenization and Re-Use of Saved Credit Cards (X-Payments 2.x)
- X-Payments:Tokenization and Re-Use of Saved Credit Cards (X-Payments 2.x and later)
- X-Payments:Troubleshooting
- X-Payments:Two-factor authentication
- X-Payments:Two-factor authentication Index
- X-Payments:Unistalling X-Payments
- X-Payments:Updating your X-Payments connector for Magento
- X-Payments:Upgrading
- X-Payments:User manual
- X-Payments:Using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Using X-Payments with Magento 2
- X-Payments:Using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:V. 3.1.3 Released
- X-Payments:V. 3.1.4 Released
- X-Payments:V3.1.0 released
- X-Payments:V3.1.1 released
- X-Payments:V3.1.2 released
- X-Payments:V3.1.4 Released
- X-Payments:V3.1.5 Released
- X-Payments:V3.1.6 Released
- X-Payments:Video Tutotials on Using X-Payments with Magento
- X-Payments:Video Tutotials on Using X-Payments with Zoey
- X-Payments:Viewing X-Payments logs
- X-Payments:Void authorized transaction request
- X-Payments:What's New
- X-Payments:What's New in X-Payments 3.0
- X-Payments:What's New in X-Payments 3.1
- X-Payments:What's New in X-Payments Connector for Magento
- X-Payments:What's New in X-Payments Connector for Zoey
- X-Payments:X-Cart 4.7.8 Connector and Subscriptions updates
- X-Payments:X-Payments-Hosted-FAQ
- X-Payments:X-Payments 3.1.3 Released: Important Bug Fixing Update Available
- X-Payments:X-Payments Connector for Zoey v1.8.12 Released
- X-Payments:X-Payments Connector for Zoey v1.8.14 Released
- X-Payments:Zoey checkout routine when using X-Payments